Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

Email Marketing Platforms

Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

Nick’s Review of Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

SMTP2GO is a versatile and reliable email delivery service. It offers a range of features, including bounce tracking, open tracking, SSL tracking links, reporting, worldwide servers, dedicated IPs, email testing, SPF, personalized DKIM, API, webhooks, Slack integration, unsubscribe automation, WordPress plugin, archiving, and SMS messaging. The service also provides 24/7 support through toll-free phone support, ticket support, and live chat.

When comparing SMTP services, SMTP2GO stands out with its comprehensive feature set and strong support. It offers a free plan and a money-back guarantee. The service has a G2 rating and serves customers in the US, EU, Australia/NZ, and Singapore. It provides spam test and screenshot tests for up to 5 years.

In comparison, SendGrid is a competing SMTP service that operates in the US and offers email testing for paid users. It allows up to 100 emails per day after the first 30 days.

Turbo SMTP, on the other hand, operates in the US and EU and does not offer email testing. It also does not have a free plan.

AuthSMTP is a UK-based SMTP service that does not offer email testing. It does not have a free plan and does not provide 24/7 support. operates in Canada and does not offer email testing. It does not have a free plan and lacks 24/7 support.

SparkPost operates in the US and EU and offers A/B testing via API. It does not offer email testing.

Elastic Email operates in the US and EU and does not offer email testing.

Mailgun operates in AWS, EU, and US East & West regions. It does not offer email testing.

Mailchimp Transactional Email operates in the US and does not offer spam filter testing.

Postmark operates in the US and offers spam score testing.

Overall, SMTP2GO offers a comprehensive feature set, strong support, and competitive pricing. It is GDPR compliant and certified by the Messaging Malware Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group. The service has received positive reviews on Trustpilot and G2. It is a reliable choice for businesses looking for an efficient and scalable SMTP service.

Tina’s Review of Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

In a recent Reddit post on the r/msp subreddit, a user is seeking advice for a simple and cost-effective SMTP service for their managed services provider (MSP) business. They mention that they need the SMTP service to support basic SMTP authentication, have a free tier, and cater specifically to MSPs. The user explains that their send volume per client is expected to be below 100 emails a day for tasks such as scanning documents.

The user mentions that they have tried using Sendgrid but have experienced lackluster results with delays and messages not appearing in the GUI or arriving at all. As a result, they are searching for alternatives that provide a “just works” experience.

They specifically request suggestions for SMTP services that meet their criteria or emphasize that individual accounts can be set up for each client if necessary. They are open to recommendations from the Reddit community and seem grateful for any suggestions.

The post does not provide any other specific details or requirements, focusing solely on the need for a simple and affordable SMTP service for MSPs. The user hopes that fellow MSP professionals will be able to offer advice based on their own experiences and recommendations.

Overall, the user’s post highlights the importance of finding an SMTP service that is reliable, cost-effective, and tailored to the needs of MSPs. They are specifically seeking a solution that supports basic SMTP authentication, has a free tier, and can handle their expected email volume of under 100 emails per day per client.

The post does not provide any additional context or information about the user’s MSP business or their specific requirements beyond what has already been mentioned. Therefore, the focus of the post remains on the search for an SMTP service and the user’s willingness to receive recommendations from the community.

Steve’s Review of Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

SMTP2GO and AuthSMTP are two popular email delivery services that provide SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) servers for sending emails. While both services offer similar functionalities, there are some differences that users should consider when choosing between them.

SMTP2GO offers a scalable and reliable email deliverability solution. It provides worldwide servers and a robust API, allowing users to send emails efficiently. SMTP2GO also offers powerful reporting features, providing insights into email delivery performance. Additionally, it has a free plan that users can try to get started.

On the other hand, AuthSMTP is an outgoing SMTP email service specifically designed for e-commerce websites, mailing lists, and email applications. It offers multiple SMTP ports to ensure inbox delivery, especially when ISPs block the default SMTP port 25. AuthSMTP provides users with the necessary infrastructure to send emails reliably.

Both SMTP2GO and AuthSMTP have integrations with other popular services. SMTP2GO integrates with popular platforms like WordPress and Magento, making it easy to set up and use. It also provides integration with Google Workspace, allowing users to send emails directly from their Google accounts. AuthSMTP, on the other hand, integrates with services like Jira Service Management and Google Workspace, offering flexibility for users with different needs.

In terms of pricing, SMTP2GO and AuthSMTP have different pricing models. SMTP2GO offers a pay-as-you-go model based on the number of emails sent. The pricing plans are flexible and scalable, allowing users to choose a plan that suits their specific needs. AuthSMTP, on the other hand, offers a subscription-based pricing model with different plans based on the number of emails sent per month. Users can choose a plan that fits their email sending requirements.

When it comes to user reviews, both SMTP2GO and AuthSMTP have positive feedback from users. However, since SMTP2GO is more widely mentioned in social media and online discussions, it seems to be more popular among users.

Overall, SMTP2GO and AuthSMTP are both reliable email delivery services that offer SMTP servers for sending emails. Users should consider their specific requirements, pricing models, and integration needs when choosing between the two. Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or developer, both services can provide the necessary infrastructure and tools for successful email delivery.

Rick’s Review of Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

SMTP2GO and Authsmtp are both outgoing SMTP email services that allow users to send emails from any program, application, or device that can connect to an SMTP server and authenticate with a username and password. While Authsmtp is a well-established service, there are alternatives available, including SMTP2GO,, and SendGrid.

SMTP2GO is a reliable and scalable email delivery service. It offers features such as email tracking, email authentication, and dedicated IP addresses. SMTP2GO provides a user-friendly interface and robust technical support. They also offer a free 30-day trial to test their services. is another alternative to Authsmtp. It offers SMTP and reliable email relay services. provides features such as email deliverability optimization, real-time analytics, and dedicated IP addresses. They also have dedicated support teams to help users with any issues.

SendGrid is a popular email delivery service that is often used by businesses of all sizes. It offers features such as email tracking, email templates, and email deliverability monitoring. SendGrid provides robust reporting and analytics tools to track the performance of email campaigns. They also offer a range of APIs for developers to integrate with their systems.

While Authsmtp may be a reliable service, considering alternatives such as SMTP2GO,, and SendGrid can provide users with a wider range of features and options. It is important to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of your business before making a decision.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an Authsmtp alternative for your email marketing needs, SMTP2GO,, and SendGrid are worth considering. Each of these services offers unique features and benefits that can help improve your email delivery and overall email marketing strategies. Take the time to research and compare these options to find the best fit for your business.

Beth’s Review of Smtp2Go Vs Authsmtp

AuthSMTP is an outgoing SMTP email service that allows users to send emails from any software, service, device, or application that can authenticate with a username and password. It offers low-cost starter accounts and can be used from almost all internet connections, including mobile connections and public WiFi. AuthSMTP has been providing email services for over ten years and ensures reliability and excellent deliverability on high email volumes. The service’s reputation is continuously monitored to prevent blacklisted, rejected, or filtered emails.

One of the key features of AuthSMTP is its availability and ease of use. Users can sign up and start sending emails within minutes. Once the account is generated, AuthSMTP sends the new SMTP server details to the signup address. The customer support service provided by AuthSMTP is highly responsive and can be accessed via the web or email. The service also has a knowledge base that includes troubleshooting guides, setup guides, common error resolution articles, and extensive FAQs.

AuthSMTP offers different account options to meet the varied requirements of users. Accounts start from as little as $32 per year for up to 1000 messages per month, based on an average message size of 100KB. Users can upgrade their accounts instantly via the Control Panel and a money-back guarantee is provided.

In terms of usability, AuthSMTP has a rating of 8 out of 10. It is considered to be reliable and has a good customer service team. However, it is noted that AuthSMTP lacks some significant features and dedicated IPs are only available with costly plans. Additionally, there is a bandwidth cap on mailings.

Overall, AuthSMTP is recommended for its security, reliability, and availability. Despite being a lesser-known service, it offers a good option for outgoing SMTP email service.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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