Postmastery Vs Sendpost

Email Marketing Platforms

Postmastery Vs Sendpost

Nick’s Review of Postmastery Vs Sendpost

Postmastery Console Delivery Analytics is a powerful tool that allows email senders to boost their deliverability rates by providing them with data that no other tool can offer. With this analytics tool, users can analyze event-level data from MTA logs and ESP webhooks in real-time, giving them insights into what is preventing their emails from reaching their target audience. The tool is trusted by companies where every email counts, including well-known brands like Wix,, Bluetooth, Upland, SugarCRM, Moosend, and SpotlerGroup.

One of the key features of Delivery Analytics is its ability to find the root cause behind deliverability issues. It allows users to filter data and see issues related to a sender domain, IP, specific provider, or combinations of these. This level of granularity helps users pinpoint the exact cause of difficulty and its impact on delivery, allowing them to take proactive measures to resolve the issues.

Delivery Analytics also provides users with a KPI dashboard that gives them a comprehensive overview of their email performance metrics. Users can monitor and track delivery, bounce, and open rates, average delivery time, retry rates and deferrals, bounce classifications, complaint rates, and IP and domain blocks and listings. Having all these metrics in one place makes it easier for email senders to monitor the performance of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve their deliverability rates.

The tool also integrates seamlessly with users’ favorite MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) and service providers. It streams real-time data from the MTA server and connects with service providers via webhooks, allowing users to have access to up-to-date and accurate information about their email delivery.

Real-time alerts are another valuable feature of Delivery Analytics. Users can set up team-wide alerts for high-priority issues, ensuring that they can fix problems before they impact their email sending. Custom event reporting enables users to be the first to be alerted when even the smallest issues impact high-value customers.

Delivery Analytics is not only beneficial for individual email senders but also for ESPs (Email Service Providers). It can identify problematic senders, campaigns, domains, or IPs that might hurt deliverability for other customers on the platform, allowing ESPs to improve deliverability for all senders and fix individual issues.

The tool is powered by a big data engine that can generate reports in seconds, regardless of the sending scale. Whether users send millions of emails per week or per hour, Delivery Analytics can handle and analyze the data efficiently.

Overall, Postmastery Console Delivery Analytics is an all-in-one email dashboard that offers a holistic view of users’ email campaigns and infrastructure. With its comprehensive features, users can improve their deliverability rates, keep their email operations clean and blacklist-free, and ultimately get more emails in their readers’ inboxes. Whether you are an individual email sender or an ESP, Delivery Analytics provides the insights and tools needed to optimize email performance and achieve better results.

Tina’s Review of Postmastery Vs Sendpost

The text is a GitHub repository page for a project called “PowerMTA Email API”. The project is designed to allow users to submit emails to PowerMTA using HTTP and JSON instead of SMTP and MIME. The page provides information on how to get started with the API, including an example code in Python. It also explains the JSON message object structure and the available parameters for submitting email messages. The page includes the project’s code files and statistics, such as commits and branches. It also lists the number of stars, watchers, and forks the project has received. At the bottom of the page, there is navigation and footer information about GitHub policies and resources.

Steve’s Review of Postmastery Vs Sendpost

Postmastery offers a product called Delivery Analytics that helps email senders improve their deliverability, sender reputation, and the performance of their marketing and transactional emails. By analyzing email delivery data, blacklist data, and reputation data, Delivery Analytics can identify delivery problems, provide solutions to fix them, and prevent future problems. The platform processes SMTP delivery data from on-premises mail servers and SMTP providers and also reads data from Microsoft SNDS, Return Path Sender Score, Google Postmaster Tools, and relevant blacklists. Users can access an online dashboard to view reports and receive email alerts in case of delivery issues. Postmastery’s Delivery Analytics has been praised by customers for its ability to monitor email delivery, proactively identify issues, and provide valuable insights. The product offers features such as multidimensional reporting, tracking individual deliveries, easy integration with MTA’s and SMTP providers, real-time delivery alerts, IP and domain reputation monitoring, and user-driven development. Postmastery’s Delivery Analytics already integrates with various email delivery platforms such as PowerMTA, Postfix, Sparkpost, Sendgrid, and Mandrill. Overall, Delivery Analytics is a comprehensive tool that empowers email senders to achieve better deliverability and optimize their email campaigns.

Rick’s Review of Postmastery Vs Sendpost

In this blog post, we will dive into how the postmasters of different mailbox providers work and the impact they have on email deliverability. The sender reputation score is a key factor used by mailbox providers to determine whether an email should be delivered to a recipient’s inbox or marked as spam. The sender reputation score is calculated using various technical and qualitative parameters, such as the reputation of the sending domain and IP address, authentication methods like DKIM and SPF records, complaints, unknown users, spam traps, appearance on blacklists, user engagement metrics like open and click rates, and more. To track and monitor your sender reputation, you can use postmasters provided by different mailbox providers. Postmasters provide valuable data on email deliverability, subscriber reactions, complaint rates, errors, and reputation tracking. AOL Postmaster offers features like error code explanations, trouble ticket reporting, feedback loop request for Email Feedback Loop Reports, and whitelist request for protection from spam filters. Gmail Postmaster Tools offer analytics on spam rates, IP and domain reputation, feedback loop reports, authentication volume, and delivery errors. Yahoo Postmaster provides a feedback loop for spam rate reports and resources on DMARC policies, mail deliverability FAQs, SMTP error codes, and best practices. Postmaster offers Smart Network Data Service for detailed data on email traffic and Junk Mail Reporting Program for reports on emails marked as junk. By using these postmasters, email marketers can analyze their data, monitor their sender reputation, and make improvements to ensure their emails reach the inbox instead of the spam folder.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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