Postmark Vs Postmastery

Email Marketing Platforms

Postmark Vs Postmastery

Nick’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

In a recent blog post on Postmark’s website, they introduced a new feature called the Retention Add-on. The blog post discusses the importance of transactional email services and how to choose the right provider for your business. They provide a handy spreadsheet comparing six popular transactional email service providers, including Postmark, Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mailgun, SparkPost, and Mandrill.

The blog post highlights the pros and cons of each provider. For example, Postmark is praised for its reliable and lightning-fast delivery, separate handling of promotional and transactional emails, and transparent pricing. On the other hand, it is noted that Postmark has a narrow focus and does not offer list management or marketing automation features.

The blog post also touches on the pricing structures of each provider, emphasizing the need to calculate the total cost for the level of service required. It emphasizes the importance of reliable email delivery, delivery speed, ease of use, responsive customer support, clear pricing structures, and robust email analytics data when choosing a transactional email service provider.

In conclusion, the blog post suggests giving Postmark a try as a reliable transactional email service provider with fast and reliable delivery. They also provide a list of six things to consider when choosing a transactional email service provider.

Tina’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

Postmark vs Postmastery: A Detailed Comparison

In the world of email deliverability, two prominent players stand out: Postmark and Postmastery. Both offer a range of email analytics and delivery services to help businesses optimize their email performance. In this blog post, we will compare these two platforms to help you make an informed decision about which one is best for your needs.

Postmark Console: Everything You Need in One Place

Postmark Console is a comprehensive email analytics console that provides a 360-degree view of your email deliverability. It offers a range of features to help you stay ahead in email deliverability, including delivery analytics, reputation monitoring, email auditing, DMARC reports, and more. The console uses relevant data from your MTA logs and ESP webhooks to provide meaningful reports and actionable insights to improve your email performance.

With Postmark Console, you can easily identify delivery problems and take proactive steps to fix them. The console’s user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy to navigate and understand your email data. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Postmark Console has the tools and insights you need to deliver smarter emails that people open, read, and click.

Postmastery: The Email Infrastructure and MTA Experts

Postmastery is known as the world’s number one email infrastructure and MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) experts. They offer a range of email delivery services, including PowerMTA, Postfix, GreenArrow, Halon, and KumoMTA. These services are designed for professional senders, website editors, ESPs, and other major email senders.

Postmastery’s email delivery services ensure optimized email deliverability. They provide robust and reliable email infrastructure that can handle high email volumes and tailored to the unique needs of each sender. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Postmastery has the expertise and resources to support your email delivery needs.

Postmastery also offers email platform services, including on-premise MTA set-up, MTA assessment, and managed PowerMTA. These services help you set up and optimize your email infrastructure for maximum deliverability. With Postmastery, you can trust that your email delivery is in the hands of experts who understand the complexities of email deliverability.

Comparing Postmark and Postmastery

While both Postmark and Postmastery offer email analytics and delivery services, there are some key differences between the two.

Postmark is primarily focused on email analytics and provides a comprehensive console to monitor and improve email deliverability. Their platform is user-friendly and offers a range of features to help businesses optimize their email performance. However, Postmark does not offer the same level of expertise and resources when it comes to email infrastructure and MTA management.

On the other hand, Postmastery is known for its expertise in email infrastructure and MTA management. They offer a range of services and solutions tailored to the unique needs of each sender. If you’re looking for a comprehensive email delivery solution that includes both analytics and infrastructure management, Postmastery may be the better choice.

Ultimately, the choice between Postmark and Postmastery depends on your specific needs and priorities. If you’re primarily focused on email analytics and deliverability monitoring, Postmark Console may be the right choice for you. However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive email delivery solution with expertise in infrastructure management, Postmastery may be a better fit.


Postmark and Postmastery are both leading players in the email deliverability space. While Postmark offers a comprehensive email analytics console, Postmastery specializes in email infrastructure and MTA management. When choosing between the two, consider your specific needs and priorities. Whether you need advanced analytics or robust infrastructure management, both platforms have the resources and expertise to support your email deliverability goals.

Steve’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

The blog post discusses the features and benefits of using Postmaster Tools, a tool provided by Google to track data on large volumes of emails sent and find data about your sending domain. The blog post starts by explaining that Postmaster Tools can be used to understand details like Gmail delivery errors, spam reports, feedback loop, and more. It then provides a step-by-step guide on how to add your domain to Postmaster Tools, emphasizing the importance of having a Google Account and explaining how to verify your domain.

The blog post also covers how to manage data access for a verified domain, explaining how to add someone to your domain and pointing out that you can share your Postmaster Tools data with anyone who has a Google Account. It gives clear instructions on how to add someone to your domain and highlights the importance of letting the person know since they won’t receive a notification.

The blog post then dives into the different dashboards available in Postmaster Tools and explains how to interpret the numbers on each dashboard. It starts with the spam rate dashboard, which measures the percentage of emails marked as spam by users versus emails sent to the inbox for active users. It also discusses IP reputation and domain reputation dashboards, explaining how a higher reputation increases the chances of emails being delivered to the inbox instead of the spam folder.

The blog post continues with the feedback loop dashboard, which is available after setting up the Gmail Spam Feedback Loop (FBL). It explains how to view a table with flagged identifiers and their corresponding spam rates. The blog post then moves on to the authentication dashboard, which shows the percentage of emails that pass SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication.

Next, the blog post covers the encryption dashboard, which shows the percentage of inbound and outbound traffic that is encrypted. It explains the graphs for TLS inbound and outbound and their significance in email security.

Finally, the blog post discusses the delivery errors dashboard, which monitors the percentage of total emails that were rejected or temporarily failed compared to all authenticated traffic. It provides a list of reasons an email may fail, such as rate limit exceeded, suspected spam, bad or unsupported attachment, and more.

Throughout the post, the blog writer includes helpful tips and additional information to enhance the reader’s understanding. The blog post concludes by providing a list of related articles and suggesting that readers reach out to the help community for further assistance.

Overall, the blog post provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with Postmaster Tools and effectively explains each dashboard and its significance in managing and monitoring email deliverability.

Rick’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

Postmark has recently introduced their Retention Add-on, which aims to save users the hassle of tracking down lost emails. The add-on provides great deliverability as a standard feature and offers support whenever needed. In comparison to Mailgun, Postmark offers a range of features and benefits.

When it comes to sending emails, both Postmark and Mailgun support transactional emails, bulk/broadcast emails, separate infrastructure for transactional and bulk email, SMTP, REST API, and comprehensive official and community libraries. Postmark also offers spam score checking, spam complaint handling, bounce handling, shared IPs, dedicated IPs, separate environments with servers, pre-made email templates, template engine, inbox preview, scheduled delivery, A/B testing, and email address validation, whereas Mailgun offers UTF-8 encoding, raw MIME, strip signature and quote blocks, and spam filtering.

In terms of data and analytics, both Postmark and Mailgun provide information on delivery rates, bounce rates, open rates, click tracking, unsubscribe tracking, spam rates, full message storage (45 days for Postmark and 3 days for Mailgun), automatic and custom tagging, custom header metadata tag, custom tracking domain, geolocation data, email client and device tracking, and real-time notifications. Postmark also offers time to inbox data, system availability API, and service availability API.

When it comes to reliability, both Postmark and Mailgun support SPF, DKIM, 2FA, opportunistic TLS, and enforced TLS, while Postmark offers DMARC as well.

In terms of security, both Postmark and Mailgun provide exceptional security measures.

Postmark prides itself on its exceptional deliverability for everyone. Unlike Mailgun, Postmark includes great deliverability as a standard feature without any additional charges. Postmark shares live delivery data so that users can assess the deliverability for themselves. Postmark maintains a high level of deliverability regardless of the number of emails being sent.

Postmark also offers great support through multiple channels, including email, live chat, and call support. They have a customer success team that is committed to providing excellent support to all customers. They offer comprehensive developer documentation and a centralized support center with resources to assist customers.

When it comes to troubleshooting capabilities, Postmark offers unparalleled capabilities. They log and retain detailed message activity and content history for 45 days. This information is easily searchable and filterable, allowing users to quickly find relevant message details.

Postmark also provides pre-built and fully-tested email templates, as well as extensive guides for best practices in using these templates. They offer a toolset called MailMason that streamlines the process of building and updating transactional emails.

To switch to Postmark from Mailgun, there is a migration guide available that covers everything users need to know about the transition process.

Postmark pricing is based on the number of emails sent per month, with additional charges for extra emails. They offer a free trial with no expiration for new accounts.

Postmark is trusted by thousands of companies, including IKEA, Asana, Moz, Wistia, and InVision.

Overall, Postmark offers a range of features, exceptional deliverability, great support, reliable troubleshooting capabilities, and pre-built email templates. They prioritize the quality and reliability of their service, making them a strong alternative to Mailgun.

Beth’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

Postmark vs Postmastery: A Detailed Comparison

When it comes to email deliverability, having a reliable and efficient service provider is crucial for businesses. Two popular options in the market are Postmark and Postmastery, both offering deliverability services with their own unique features. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of both services, comparing their key features, pricing, support, and overall performance to help you decide which one is the right fit for your business.

Postmark, a well-established player in the industry, boasts an impressive reputation for its high email delivery rates and excellent deliverability. With a focus on transactional emails, Postmark ensures that your important transactional messages, such as receipts, account notifications, and password resets, reach your recipients’ inboxes promptly. Their robust infrastructure and thorough adherence to email standards contribute to their remarkable deliverability track record.

On the other hand, Postmastery offers a comprehensive suite of email deliverability solutions tailored for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing campaigns. Their platform is carefully designed to optimize deliverability for bulk emails and newsletters. With advanced features such as bounce handling, feedback loops, and reputation monitoring, Postmastery helps businesses maximize the reach and impact of their marketing messages.

When comparing the pricing models of both services, it becomes evident that they cater to different types of businesses. Postmark follows a straightforward pricing structure, charging based on the volume of emails sent per month. Their plans start from as low as $10 per month for 10,000 emails and scale up depending on your business needs. For businesses with a steady flow of transactional emails, Postmark’s pricing can be quite affordable and manageable.

Postmastery, on the other hand, offers customized pricing based on the specific requirements and volume of each business. While this approach allows for flexibility and tailored solutions, it may be less suitable for small businesses with limited budgets. Nonetheless, larger enterprises and organizations with complex email deliverability needs may find value in Postmastery’s personalized pricing options.

One crucial aspect to consider when choosing an email deliverability service is the level of support provided. Postmark is renowned for its exceptional customer support, offering timely and effective assistance through various channels such as email, live chat, and phone. Their support team is highly responsive and knowledgeable, ensuring that any issues or concerns are swiftly addressed.

Similarly, Postmastery prides itself on its support services, providing dedicated account managers to guide businesses through the intricacies of email deliverability. Their team of experts offers proactive support, assisting with onboarding, configuration, and troubleshooting to optimize deliverability performance. With personalized guidance from experienced professionals, businesses can leverage Postmastery’s support to enhance their email deliverability strategies.

Analyzing the overall performance of both services, it is important to consider factors such as delivery rates, bounce rates, and sender reputation management. Postmark’s impressive delivery rates, fueled by their vigilant compliance with email standards, guarantee that your transactional emails reach their intended recipients effectively. Their robust infrastructure ensures minimal downtime and reliable delivery, giving businesses peace of mind.

Postmastery, with its focus on email marketing campaigns, excels in managing bounce rates and maintaining a healthy sender reputation. By closely monitoring bounce emails, managing feedback loops, and continually monitoring sending IPs, Postmastery ensures that your marketing messages have the best chance of reaching the inbox and avoiding spam folders. Their expertise in reputation monitoring and management allows businesses to maintain a positive sender reputation, vital for successful email marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, when choosing between Postmark and Postmastery, it ultimately depends on your business’s specific needs and objectives. If you prioritize transactional emails and require high deliverability rates, Postmark is an excellent choice. Their reliable infrastructure, adherence to email standards, and stellar support make them a top contender in the market.

However, if you rely heavily on email marketing campaigns and need advanced features for managing sender reputation, bounce emails, and feedback loops, Postmastery offers a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored for your needs. Their personalized support and expertise in email marketing optimization set them apart in the industry.

Both Postmark and Postmastery have established themselves as reliable and reputable email deliverability service providers, offering businesses valuable tools and services. Whether you prioritize transactional emails or marketing campaigns, carefully assessing your requirements and considering the specific features, pricing, and support provided by each platform will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals.

Jim’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

In this blog post, we will be discussing the differences between Postmark and Postmastery.
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Dan’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

Postmark vs Postmastery
When it comes to managing email deliverability, two popular services that often come up in the discussion are Postmark and Postmastery. Both of these platforms offer solutions for sending transactional emails and ensuring their successful delivery, but they have different features and approaches. In this blog post, we will compare Postmark and Postmastery to help you determine which one is the right fit for your needs.

Postmark is a widely used email delivery service that focuses on the reliable delivery of transactional emails. It is known for its high deliverability rates and robust infrastructure. With Postmark, you can easily integrate their API into your application or use their SMTP servers to send emails. It offers features like bounce management, automatic link and attachment tracking, and email analytics. Postmark also provides a user-friendly dashboard where you can monitor your email delivery performance and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

On the other hand, Postmastery is a deliverability consultancy that specializes in improving email delivery rates and managing reputation. They offer a range of services including email authentication, inbox monitoring, blacklist monitoring, and deliverability consulting. With Postmastery, you get access to a team of experts who can help you navigate the complex world of email deliverability and ensure that your emails are reaching the inbox.

One of the key differences between Postmark and Postmastery is their focus. Postmark is primarily a delivery service that ensures the successful delivery of your emails, while Postmastery focuses on improving your email deliverability and managing your sender reputation. If you are looking for a hands-on approach to improving your email deliverability, then Postmastery may be the right choice for you. They will work with you to analyze your email sending practices, identify any issues, and implement strategies to improve your deliverability rates.

Another difference between the two services is their pricing structures. Postmark operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where you pay based on the number of emails you send. Their pricing is transparent and straightforward, with no hidden fees or contracts. Postmastery, on the other hand, offers customized pricing based on your specific needs and requirements. They provide a range of services, and the cost will depend on the level of support you require.

In terms of customer support, both Postmark and Postmastery offer excellent support options. Postmark provides email support and has a comprehensive knowledge base and documentation to help you troubleshoot any issues. They also have a community forum where you can interact with other users and get answers to your questions. Postmastery, on the other hand, offers personalized support from their deliverability experts. You can reach out to them for advice and guidance on improving your email deliverability.

In conclusion, both Postmark and Postmastery are reputable services that can help you improve your email deliverability. If you are looking for a reliable delivery service with robust features, then Postmark is a great option. However, if you need more hands-on support and expertise in managing your email deliverability, then Postmastery may be the better choice. Ultimately, the decision will depend on your specific needs and priorities.

Jennifer’s Review of Postmark Vs Postmastery

Title: Restoring the Washington, DC Postmark: A Matter of Pride and Identity

Summary: In a recent call to the D.C. Postmaster, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton expressed her concern about the disappearance of the Washington, DC postmark and formally requested its restoration. Norton emphasized the significance of the postmark, stating that it not only serves as a matter of local pride but also identifies the capital of the United States and the District of Columbia. While acknowledging the need for efficiency in today’s hyper-competitive and technological climate, Norton argued that fully utilizing the D.C. postmark machines would be more efficient than sorting individual requests. She believes that maintaining a distinct Washington, DC postmark is essential for accurately marking the origin of millions of pieces of mail processed in the city. Norton assured Postmaster Moore that restoring the postmark would not require significant additional investment.


The Washington, DC postmark, once a recognizable symbol of the capital of the United States, has mysteriously disappeared. This startling revelation came to light when Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton made a formal request to the D.C. Postmaster, Yverne P. (Pat) Moore, to restore the postmark. Norton, who serves on the Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, Postal Service, and the District of Columbia, expressed her surprise and disappointment at the disappearance.

In her call to Postmaster Moore, Congresswoman Norton highlighted the importance of the postmark, not only as a matter of local pride but also as a symbol that identifies the capital of the United States and the District of Columbia. Norton questioned whether other prominent cities like London or Paris would allow their postmarks to vanish, considering their worldwide recognition.

Acknowledging the need for efficiency in today’s hyper-competitive and technological climate, Norton recognized the pressures faced by the Postal Service. However, she firmly believes that restoring the Washington, DC postmark is essential. Norton referenced the tragic anthrax terrorist event and subsequent closures of the Joseph P. Curseen Jr. and Thomas L. Morris Jr. Center, formerly known as the Brentwood Post Office. While recognizing the operational challenges caused by these closures, Norton argued that sorting out individual requests for a D.C. postmark was more inefficient than fully utilizing the D.C. postmark machines.

The significance of the Washington, DC postmark is not lost on residents and many members of Congress. Norton revealed that there have been numerous requests to use the postmark, highlighting its importance and the inconvenience caused by its absence. She believes that consolidating all mail from Washington, DC and accurately marking its origin would be more efficient and convenient for residents, and it would relieve the Postal Service of the burden of sorting requests.

Norton also addressed the concern of additional investment and resources required to restore the postmark. She expressed her belief that the D.C. machines previously used for the postmark are currently used upon request. Restoration, therefore, would not necessitate significant additional investment but rather a reallocation of existing resources.

In conclusion, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s call to restore the Washington, DC postmark highlights the importance of maintaining this symbol of national pride and identity. She argues that while efficiency is necessary, fully utilizing the D.C. postmark machines would be more efficient than sorting individual requests. Norton believes that accurately marking the origin of mail from the capital is vital and that restoring the postmark would not require substantial investment. Let us hope that Postmaster Moore recognizes the significance of this issue and takes prompt action to reinstate the Washington, DC postmark, preserving its historical and symbolic value for future generations.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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