Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Email Marketing Platforms

Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Nick’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Ongage vs Comparison

In this blog post, we will be comparing two popular cloud email platforms: Ongage and These platforms are designed to help businesses with their email marketing campaigns by providing powerful tools and features. We will look at the capabilities of each platform, as well as customer reviews and rankings.

Ongage is an email marketing platform that is ideal for advanced email marketers. It offers a range of features such as a powerful email API, built-in SMTP relay, and segmentation and personalization capabilities. The platform allows users to reach their customers’ inboxes at scale and improve their email marketing operations. Ongage aims to increase cost-effectiveness and deliverability for businesses., on the other hand, is a premium email delivery and email relay solution that focuses on getting emails into subscriber inboxes. The platform maintains a strong IP reputation with ISPs and offers excellent email sending capabilities. also has in-house experts to provide support and answer any questions that users may have. The platform is known for its high volume email sending and tracking capabilities.

To compare these two platforms, we will consider real user reviews from PeerSpot, an unbiased tech community. Ongage has received 36 views and 12 comparisons, while has received 32 views and 22 comparisons. However, both platforms have not received any reviews yet.

In terms of rankings, Ongage is currently ranked 25th out of 31 in the Cloud Email category, while is ranked 23rd. Despite their rankings, it is essential to note that both platforms have not been given a rating yet.

To gain more insights into these platforms and to access the complete report, users can download the Cloud Email Report provided by PeerSpot. This report offers a comprehensive analysis of various cloud email platforms, including Ongage and It includes information and reviews on other popular platforms such as Twilio, MailChimp, and Amazon as well.

Overall, Ongage and are both powerful platforms designed to streamline email marketing campaigns. While Ongage offers advanced features like segmentation and personalization, focuses on high volume email delivery. Businesses must carefully consider their specific needs and requirements before choosing a cloud email platform. Peer reviews and rankings can provide valuable insights into the capabilities and performance of these platforms. To make an informed decision, it is recommended to download the Cloud Email Report and read more about the features and customer experiences of each platform.

Tina’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

The text is a blog post titled “The SMTP Relay Guide for Non-Technical Email Marketers” published on the Ongage website. The blog post explains how SMTP relays work and why they are important for email deliverability. It also discusses the benefits of integrating an SMTP relay with an email marketing platform, such as improved efficiency, advanced email marketing features, and personalized campaigns. The post goes on to provide information about SMTP ports and how to choose the right port for sending emails. It also highlights the importance of analytics in email marketing platforms and how they enable segmentation and personalization of campaigns. The post concludes by emphasizing the user-friendliness and efficiency of an integrated SMTP relay and email marketing platform. The text also includes information about the company, Ongage, and its products and services.

Steve’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

In this blog post, we will be discussing the feature comparisons between Ongage and Ongage is a marketing platform that focuses on email deliverability and performance for marketers and small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs)., on the other hand, is a competitor that offers email delivery services. We will examine the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms to help you make an informed decision.

First, let’s talk about Ongage. Ongage prides itself on prioritizing email deliverability and performance. This means that their platform is designed to ensure that your emails reach the intended recipients and that they perform well in terms of opens, clicks, and conversions. This can be crucial for businesses that rely heavily on email marketing campaigns to drive sales and engagement.

One of the advantages of Ongage is its focus on customization and flexibility. Their platform allows you to create personalized campaigns that resonate with your target audience. This level of customization can lead to higher open and click-through rates, ultimately resulting in increased sales and revenue. Additionally, Ongage offers advanced analytics tools that provide valuable insights into the performance of your email campaigns.

Now, let’s move on to is a competitor that offers email delivery services. While they may not prioritize deliverability and performance as explicitly as Ongage does, they still provide reliable email delivery solutions for businesses. has a strong reputation for ensuring that your emails reach their intended recipients without being flagged as spam.

One of the strengths of is its simplicity and ease of use. Their platform offers intuitive interfaces and user-friendly features that make it easy for even non-technical users to send and manage email campaigns. This can be beneficial for businesses that don’t have dedicated IT or marketing teams to handle their email marketing efforts.

When comparing Ongage and, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and goals. While Ongage focuses more on deliverability and performance, offers a more straightforward and user-friendly experience. Depending on your business requirements, you may prioritize one aspect over the other.

In conclusion, both Ongage and offer valuable email marketing solutions for businesses. Ongage excels in delivering high deliverability and performance, while provides a user-friendly experience. By considering your specific needs and goals, you can choose the platform that best aligns with your business requirements.

Rick’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is a crucial component of email communication. It is a protocol that allows mail clients to communicate with SMTP servers and route messages to the appropriate mailboxes. Without SMTP, email marketing would not be possible.

To understand how SMTP works, it is important to know the key stages of the SMTP process. The process begins with establishing an SMTP connection between the sender’s email client and the outbound SMTP server. The client sends a HELO command to introduce itself to the server.

Next, the client specifies the sender and recipient information by issuing the MAIL FROM command and the RCPT TO command, respectively. These commands identify the sender and recipient of the email.

Once the server has accepted the sender and recipient details, the SMTP client transfers the content of the email to the server using the DATA command. This includes information headers, email body, and any attachments.

After the email message has been successfully sent, the client issues the QUIT command to inform the server of its intention to close the connection. The server acknowledges the closure with a 221 OK code.

SMTP is not the only protocol used in email exchange. POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) are also important protocols. However, SMTP is specifically used for sending mail from clients to servers, while POP and IMAP are responsible for receiving incoming messages.

SMTP uses different ports for communication. The original default SMTP port is Port 25, which was used for submitting emails from client to server. Port 465 replaced Port 25 as the dedicated submission port for a short time but has since been deprecated. Port 587 is the current standard default SMTP port for email submission due to the implementation of Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption. Port 2525 is an alternate port occasionally used instead of Port 587.

In conclusion, SMTP is a crucial protocol that enables email communication and is essential for email marketing. Understanding how SMTP works and its role in the email marketing process is important for ensuring successful email campaigns.

Beth’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Ongage is an email marketing platform that offers advanced capabilities for personalizing engagements and driving conversions. The platform helps businesses gain actionable insights into customer behavior, segment their audience, and send data-driven emails. Ongage’s intuitive dashboard allows users

Jim’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Ongage and are two popular email marketing platforms that can be integrated to optimize email campaigns. In this guide, we will walk through the steps of setting up the Ongage integration with

To get started, log in to your Ongage account admin panel and navigate to “Vendor settings.” From there, choose “” and click on “Start Setup.” This will initiate the integration process.

The first step is to specify the email attributes such as the “From Name,” “From Address,” and “Reply Address.” This information will determine how your emails appear to recipients.

Next, you need to set up the API credentials. This includes the following:

  1. Sender Name: Log in to your account and find the “Name” in the “Active Senders” table.
  2. Access Key: Generate an API key in your account settings. You can delete this key if you no longer need it.
  3. Username/Password: Use the same credentials as your sender’s login and password.
  4. Host SMTP: Set this to “”
  5. Return Path: This is optional but can be set to a different email address if desired.
  6. API Host: You can choose between “” or “”

It’s important to note that changing the “Sender Name” on either the Ongage or platforms can result in a loss of statistics. If you need to make this change, it’s recommended to consult with support.

In the “General” section, you can specify the name of the configuration for your SMTP sender’s settings. This allows you to use different settings within your Ongage account.

Once you have entered all the necessary information, click “Save” to complete the setup process.

Now that the integration is set up, you can proceed to create and send test emails. In the Ongage platform, navigate to “List” and then “Contact Manager.” Add a contact by specifying the email address where you want to receive the test email.

To create a segment for the test email, go to “Segments” and click on “New segment.” Set the email to equal your test address and save the segment.

In the “Campaigns” section, click on “New Email Campaign.” Specify the “Message name” (the name of the template), “Email Subject,” and the HTML/Text content for the email. Next, enter a “Campaign name” and choose the segment of recipients that you created. Move the selected segment to the right side.

Choose the ESP (email service provider) connection and click “Schedule.” You can also choose to launch the campaign immediately by clicking “Launch Now.”

That’s it! You have successfully set up the Ongage integration with and sent a test email.

If you need any further assistance, you can contact the support team for help. Remember to consult the documentation for the most up-to-date information and any additional features or changes.

In conclusion, integrating Ongage with can enhance your email marketing efforts and streamline your campaign management process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up the integration and begin sending impactful emails to your subscribers.

Dan’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Ongage vs Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform

Email marketing continues to be a crucial tool for businesses looking to reach and engage with their target audience. With so many email marketing platforms available, it can be challenging to determine which one is right for your business. In this article, we will compare two popular email marketing platforms, Ongage and, to help you make an informed decision.

When it comes to email deliverability, both Ongage and have established themselves as reputable providers. Ongage offers a robust deliverability management system, allowing users to monitor and optimize email deliverability in real-time. This feature is particularly valuable for businesses that heavily rely on email marketing to drive engagement and conversions., on the other hand, boasts a powerful email infrastructure that ensures high deliverability rates. Their platform includes dedicated IP addresses, which can enhance the credibility of your emails and improve deliverability. Additionally, offers comprehensive monitoring and reporting tools, allowing businesses to track the success of their email campaigns.

Another important aspect of email marketing is personalization. Ongage excels in this area, offering advanced segmentation capabilities that allow businesses to target specific customer segments with highly personalized content. This level of personalization can significantly enhance customer engagement and improve the overall effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. also offers personalization features, such as dynamic content insertion, that enable businesses to tailor their emails to individual recipients. While not as extensive as Ongage’s segmentation capabilities, still provides enough personalization options for most businesses’ needs.

Automation is another key consideration when choosing an email marketing platform. Ongage offers a wide range of automation tools, including drip campaigns, autoresponders, and behavioral triggers. These features enable businesses to create automated email workflows that nurture leads and drive conversions. Ongage’s automation capabilities are highly flexible and customizable, allowing businesses to create tailored customer journeys based on specific triggers and actions. also provides automation features, but they are not as extensive as Ongage’s. Their platform includes basic automation functionalities like autoresponders and triggered emails. While these features can still help businesses save time and effort, businesses looking for advanced automation may find Ongage to be a more suitable choice.

User experience is another significant factor to consider when evaluating email marketing platforms. Ongage offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for businesses to navigate and manage their email campaigns. The platform also provides detailed analytics and reporting, enabling businesses to track their performance and make data-driven decisions. also offers a user-friendly interface, with a straightforward dashboard that allows businesses to manage their email marketing efforts effectively. The platform provides comprehensive reports and analytics, helping businesses gain insights into the success of their campaigns. However, some users have reported that the interface could use some improvements to enhance usability and navigation.

Pricing is an essential consideration for any business, and the cost of an email marketing platform should align with its features and capabilities. Ongage adopts a pricing model based on the number of emails sent per month, making it suitable for businesses with varying email volumes. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their email marketing efforts as they grow without breaking the bank. adopts a similar pricing model, charging businesses based on the number of emails sent. However, their prices tend to be higher compared to Ongage. While their advanced deliverability features and dedicated IP addresses may justify the higher cost for some businesses, smaller organizations on a tight budget may find Ongage to be a more cost-effective option.

In conclusion, both Ongage and offer robust email marketing platforms with unique features and capabilities. Ongage excels in email deliverability, personalization, and automation, making it an excellent choice for businesses that prioritize these aspects. On the other hand, provides high deliverability rates, basic personalization features, and a user-friendly interface. Choosing the right platform ultimately depends on your business’s specific requirements, budget, and goals. Carefully consider these factors and explore the free trials offered by both platforms to determine which one best aligns with your needs.

Jennifer’s Review of Ongage Vs Smtp.Com

Ongage and are both email service providers (ESPs) that offer a range of features and services for sending and managing email campaigns.

When using Amazon SES as your ESP in Ongage, there are some technical notes to keep in mind. For example, you need to verify your sender email addresses in the Amazon SES console and enable certain functions for the account to work properly in Ongage. Additionally, Amazon SES does not allow the usage of background-image in campaigns, and there are certain steps to follow when moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox.

For bounce processing with Amazon SES and Ongage, a specific email address [email protected] is used for handling hard bounces, soft bounces, and complaints. It is automatically added to your verified senders in your Amazon SES account when setting up the account in Ongage. However, this email address does not appear in the return-path, which will have a different format for Amazon SES.

When sending campaigns via Amazon SES, the sent and success stats may initially appear as if all were sent successfully. However, as time goes by, the success stats will start to drop as bounces are returned to the bounce processing mailbox. Ongage subtracts these bounces from the success count, and the final success and failed count will be determined after a certain time period.

The Dyn DNS service has a feature for defining custom X-Headers, which can be useful for integration with Ongage. There are specific X-Headers that should not be removed, such as X-CONTENT-ID and X-UNSUB-ID, which are used by Ongage.

When using Mailgun as your ESP, there may be discrepancies in the complaint numbers between the Ongage platform and Mailgun platform. This is because Ongage only counts unique complaints, while Mailgun includes multiple complaints from the same email address. If you encounter an error message saying “Business verification is required” on a campaign, it typically means that your Mailgun account needs to be checked and resolved.

Mailgun stores the content of all email messages for a maximum of 72 hours after they have been submitted to their service. This content can be retrieved through the Mailgun control panel or API.

Regarding SendGrid, there are certain warnings and considerations. If you receive a warning message saying “Unable to set the ‘Event notification’ on SendGrid,” it means that your SendGrid account does not support event notification and may not work correctly with multiple Ongage lists. You may need to upgrade your SendGrid account to a level that supports event notification for multiple lists. Additionally, if you get a warning message saying “API Credentials Invalid,” you may need to create a new user with specific options checked in the SendGrid settings and integrate the credentials in Ongage.

Ongage uses SendGrid Webhooks to retrieve behavioral data from SendGrid, such as hard bounces, soft bounces, complaints, and list unsubscribes. Regular unsubscribes, opens, and clicks are tracked by Ongage independently. These webhooks must point to Ongage for the data to be retrieved correctly, and disabling them will propagate the data to all your Ongage lists. You can check the webhook endpoint for SendGrid events in your SendGrid account settings.

When using SparkPost in Ongage, there are different products that can be set up, such as SparkPost, SparkPost Enterprise, and Momentum. There is a SparkPost Ongage Integration help available, and it is important to set up the sending domain correctly in SparkPost to avoid campaign failures. has its own bounce classifications for email addresses, and there are specific credentials and API calls that can be used to check the status of the connection. Additionally, has certain bounce codes for hard bounces and soft bounces, and these codes are mapped to Ongage accordingly.

The text also mentions a list of status pages for all ESPs, which can be useful for checking the status of their services. These status pages include Mailgun, SendGrid, SparkPost, Sinch, Twilio,, Mailjet, Pepipost, Amazon Web Services, Mailchimp, mysmtp, Inboxroad, and Mandrill.

Finally, the text mentions some ESPs that are no longer supported, such as Teradata, TotalSend, Constant Contact, SmartFocus, GetResponse, and BlueHornet. Each ESP has specific technical considerations and limitations that should be taken into account when using them with Ongage.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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