Mailgun Vs Sendpost

Email Marketing Platforms

Mailgun Vs Sendpost

Nick’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

Postmark is a popular service for sending transactional emails, but if you’re looking for an alternative that offers more flexibility and features, Mailgun may be the solution for you. While Postmark only allows you to send transactional emails and does not support newsletters or promotional emails, Mailgun offers a range of APIs that allow you to send both transactional and marketing emails. This means you can use Mailgun as a comprehensive email service provider for all your email communication needs.

One advantage of using Mailgun over Postmark is the ability to take control of your sending reputation. Mailgun offers a free dedicated IP starting at 100,000 emails included on their paid plans, which allows you to build and maintain a good reputation for your domain. In contrast, Postmark does not provide a dedicated IP for senders unless they are sending over 300,000 daily messages. This means that if your email needs change and you want to start sending marketing emails, you may have to start from scratch and rebuild your IP reputation with ISPs like Google.

In addition to its robust sending capabilities, Mailgun offers several other features that can enhance your email delivery. For example, Mailgun includes an email verification service that helps you protect your signup forms from bot attacks and fake accounts, as well as handle email list management for marketing messages. They also offer email analytics and logs, which can provide valuable insights into the performance of your email campaigns.

Mailgun also provides helpful support options for its users. Every new Mailgun account receives free test emails to use during development and testing. They also offer support via a ticketing system, live chat, and phone support, ensuring that you can get the help you need, whether you’re on a free plan or a paid plan.

Overall, if you’re looking for an alternative to Postmark that offers more flexibility, features, and support, Mailgun may be the right choice for you. Their comprehensive email service allows you to send both transactional and marketing emails, take control of your sending reputation, and access additional tools like email verification and analytics. With their range of APIs and robust support options, Mailgun provides a powerful and reliable solution for all your email communication needs.

Tina’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

In a recent blog post, Postmark introduced their new Retention Add-on, which aims to improve email deliverability and provide support to their customers. The blog post compares Postmark with Mailgun, highlighting the features and advantages of using Postmark for sending application emails, processing inbound email, and tracking user engagement.

The comparison between Postmark and Mailgun is divided into several categories: sending, inbound, data & analytics, reliability, and security. In terms of sending, both Postmark and Mailgun offer transactional emails and bulk/broadcast email capabilities. However, Postmark has a separate infrastructure for transactional and bulk email, while Mailgun does not. Postmark supports both SMTP and REST API, with comprehensive official and community libraries, spam score checking, spam complaint handling, and bounce handling. Both providers offer shared IPs, but Postmark also provides auto-managed dedicated IPs based on individual sending volume. Postmark offers pre-made email templates, a template engine, inbox preview, scheduled delivery, A/B testing, and email address validation, which are features that Mailgun lacks.

In terms of inbound email processing, both Postmark and Mailgun support this feature. However, Mailgun offers more advanced capabilities such as RegEx matching on all email headers (“routes”), chaining multiple filters, and handling raw MIME. Postmark, on the other hand, supports UTF-8 encoding, stripping signature and quote blocks, and spam filtering for inbound emails.

In terms of data and analytics, both Postmark and Mailgun provide delivery rates, bounce rates, open rates, click tracking, unsubscribe tracking, and spam rates. However, Postmark offers additional features such as full message storage for 45 days, automatic tagging, custom tagging, custom header metadata tags, custom tracking domains, geolocation data, email client and device tracking, and real-time notifications.

When it comes to reliability, Postmark offers Time to Inbox measurement and system availability and service availability APIs. Mailgun only offers system availability API. In terms of security, both Postmark and Mailgun support SPF, DKIM, opportunistic TLS, and enforced TLS. However, Postmark also supports DMARC and 2FA, which are not supported by Mailgun.

Postmark emphasizes its exceptional deliverability, which is included as a standard feature and is not an additional cost or upgrade. Postmark provides live delivery data for Gmail, Apple, Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo, allowing customers to assess the quality of deliverability. They also highlight their commitment to great support, offering multiple channels of communication and comprehensive documentation and resources for developers.

Postmark also highlights its troubleshooting capabilities, noting that they log and retain more helpful details about the event history and content of messages compared to Mailgun. They provide a search, filter, and view of 45 days of detailed message activity from the activity feed, as well as detailed message event logs and full content rendering.

Postmark offers pre-built and fully-tested email templates, as well as extensive guides on best practices for various types of emails. They also mention their mail builder tool called MailMason, which streamlines the process of building and updating transactional emails.

The blog post concludes by showcasing testimonials from customers who have switched from Mailgun to Postmark and have experienced improved deliverability and support. It also provides answers to frequently asked questions about pricing, free trial, dedicated IPs, payment types, sending bulk marketing emails, and high-volume plans. The blog post encourages readers to switch to Postmark and provides a link to a comprehensive migration guide for transitioning from Mailgun to Postmark.

Overall, the blog post aims to position Postmark as a reliable and customer-oriented alternative to Mailgun, highlighting its features, deliverability, support, troubleshooting capabilities, and pre-built email templates.

Steve’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

Today we’re going to discuss two popular email delivery services: Mailgun and SendPost. Both services offer reliable and efficient email delivery solutions, but they have their own unique features and benefits. In this blog post, we’ll compare Mailgun and SendPost in terms of pricing, features, deliverability, and customer support to help you make an informed decision.

When it comes to pricing, Mailgun offers a variety of plans to suit different needs and budgets. Their pay-as-you-go option allows you to pay only for the emails you send, without any upfront commitments or monthly fees. This can be a cost-effective solution for businesses with varying email volumes. On the other hand, SendPost offers three fixed plans with different email volume limits, ranging from a basic plan suitable for small businesses to a premium plan for high-volume senders. While Mailgun provides more flexibility with their pricing model, SendPost offers a clear pricing structure with fixed plans.

In terms of features, both Mailgun and SendPost offer essential email delivery features like SMTP and API integration, delivery tracking, bounce handling, and spam filtering. However, Mailgun goes the extra mile by providing additional features like email validations, list management, and email analytics. These features can be particularly useful for businesses that require advanced email management and analysis capabilities. SendPost, on the other hand, focuses on delivering reliable email delivery service without overwhelming users with excessive features. Their streamlined approach may appeal to businesses looking for a straightforward and hassle-free email service.

When it comes to deliverability, both Mailgun and SendPost employ various strategies to ensure that your emails reach the recipients’ inbox and not end up in spam folders. They have rigorous spam filtering systems in place to prevent unwanted emails from being delivered. Additionally, Mailgun and SendPost both have dedicated teams that actively monitor their email infrastructure and maintain good relationships with ISPs to ensure high deliverability rates. However, Mailgun boasts a strong reputation for deliverability, with a focus on providing optimal email routing and delivery performance. This may be a key consideration for businesses that heavily rely on email communication for their operations.

Customer support is an important aspect to consider when choosing an email delivery service. Both Mailgun and SendPost offer customer support through email and online documentation. However, Mailgun takes customer support a step further by including phone support in some of their plans. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that require immediate assistance or prefer speaking with a support representative directly. SendPost’s customer support is mainly email-based, which may be sufficient for businesses with less urgent needs or those who prefer written communication.

In conclusion, both Mailgun and SendPost offer reliable and efficient email delivery services, but they cater to different needs and preferences. If you value flexibility in pricing and advanced features, Mailgun may be the right choice for your business. Their pay-as-you-go model and comprehensive feature set can provide the scalability and functionality you need. On the other hand, if you prefer a straightforward pricing structure and streamlined service, SendPost may be a better fit. Their fixed plans and focus on reliable email delivery can offer peace of mind to businesses without the need for complex features. Ultimately, the choice between Mailgun and SendPost depends on your specific requirements and priorities.

Rick’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

This blog post compares two email service providers, Mailgun and SendGrid, in a showdown of their SMTP capabilities. The article starts by introducing Mailgun as an email service for developers, offering SMTP relay functionality and API integration options. It highlights Mailgun’s user-friendly interface and robust email validation tools.

The article then introduces SendGrid as a platform with features for both developers and marketers. Like Mailgun, SendGrid offers libraries in multiple languages and supports SMTP relay functionality and API integration. SendGrid is praised for its email marketing design and customization tools.

The key features of both Mailgun and SendGrid are compared, with Mailgun focusing on deliverability and scalability and offering a flexible pricing model. On the other hand, SendGrid offers more options for email marketing and provides tools for email validation and testing.

In terms of website integration, both Mailgun and SendGrid can be easily integrated with WordPress using plugins. Mailgun is considered more user-friendly, while SendGrid’s interface has more text and submenus.

The pricing of Mailgun and SendGrid is discussed, with SendGrid offering a free plan that allows 40,000 emails in the first 30 days and 100 emails per day thereafter. Mailgun does not have a free plan but offers a three-month trial with up to 5,000 free emails per month.

In conclusion, Mailgun is recommended for websites that focus more on transactional emails and require flexible pricing. SendGrid is suitable for small websites that don’t send many emails or need email marketing tools.

The article ends by inviting readers to leave comments and questions about choosing between Mailgun and SendGrid.

Beth’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

In the world of email providers, two popular options are Postmark and Mailgun. A user on Reddit is seeking advice on which provider to choose, as they are currently using Sendgrid and experiencing issues with emails ending up in spam folders.

They have done some research and found that many people recommend both Postmark and Mailgun, but they are unsure which one to go with, or if there is another option worth considering.

Postmark is said to have better deliverability, but it lacks a feature to maintain a mailing list within the platform itself. This could be a drawback for those who need to send bulk emails such as newsletters. On the other hand, Mailgun offers a way to manage mailing lists, which could be convenient for such use cases.

In terms of the API, “mailgun-js” appears to be more popular than Postmark’s client. However, the user hasn’t delved deeper into this aspect yet.

At this point, the user is looking for thoughts and opinions from others on which provider they prefer and why. They are seeking insights and experiences to help make an informed decision.

Overall, the user is faced with a choice between Postmark and Mailgun for their email provider needs. Both options have their advantages and considerations, and they are seeking advice from the Reddit community to help make a decision.

Jim’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

In the world of transactional email services, two popular options are Mailgun and Postmark. Each of these tools offers powerful features and functionality to help developers send, receive, track, and store email effortlessly.

Mailgun is known for its optimized queue, scheduled delivery, and MIME assembly features. These capabilities allow for efficient email sending, ensuring that messages are delivered promptly and in the correct format. Mailgun is used by popular companies like Reddit, Slack, and Lyft, and it has received positive feedback from over 177 developers for its quick email integration.

On the other hand, Postmark focuses on delivering transactional email for web apps with minimal setup time and zero maintenance. It offers features like creating virtual servers, dropping code into your app, and sending emails while tracking delivery. Postmark is used by companies like, Docplanner, and Developers appreciate the simplicity of Postmark, with over 17 developers mentioning it as a leading factor in their choice.

When it comes to choosing between Mailgun and Postmark, developers have different considerations. One developer, Klaus Jensen, sought advice on which tool would be best for managing transactional emails, allowing writers/designers to set up and maintain email templates with dynamic field insertion. Justini Powell recommended using Twilio SendGrid if time-sensitive email delivery was important, mentioning its dynamic templates and bulk sending capabilities. Mika Henriksson praised Postmark as the easiest and quickest service for transactional email, while Vit Ulicny recommended Mandrill for its powerful emailing features and predefined templates.

Another developer, Aric Fedida, mentioned that all the tools mentioned (Mailgun, SendGrid, Mandrill) perform email delivery well and support email templates. It’s important to consider factors like ease of integration with their APIs, pricing, and template editing options when choosing between the options. Aric personally prefers Twilio due to its robust ecosystem and rock-solid APIs.

In terms of company choices, Kevin Williams from Friendliest App chose Postmark for its laser focus on transactional email and developer-friendly documentation. Imelda Garcia from pounce3 Project Management conducted reliability tests on multiple email services and found Mailgun to be the most reliable, while Mandrill performed poorly in their tests. Slawomir Pucia from Coresender chose Coresender for their own transactional emails due to features like separate sending accounts, real-time email tracking, and customization of suppressions lists. Ben Aubin from Mintere migrated from Mailgun to Postmark due to delivery issues and appreciated Postmark’s time-to-inbox tracking.

Ultimately, the choice between Mailgun and Postmark depends on your specific needs and preferences. Mailgun offers a broader approval and is used by many popular companies, while Postmark is praised for its simplicity and reliability. It’s important to consider factors like ease of integration, pricing, template editing options, and the specific features that align with your requirements.

Dan’s Review of Mailgun Vs Sendpost

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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