Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

Email Marketing Platforms

Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

Nick’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost is a premium email delivery and email relay solution that offers a range of services to help businesses send and track high volume emails. They provide an SMTP Email API that allows developers to integrate SMTP into custom or third-party apps, making it easy to send emails using SMTP and obtain API Keys.

The API v4 is a RESTful JSON formatted API. JSON is the required format for request data, and the API responses are also returned in JSON according to the JSend specification. The API supports authentication through various methods, including URL, Header, Bearer Token Header, Custom HTTP Header, and Query String.

To start integrating with, users can purchase an SMTP Email Relay & API plan, which allows them to send and track emails seamlessly. The plans start at $25 per month for 50,000 emails. There is also an option to view all plans and choose the one that best suits the user’s needs. provides various services to meet different email delivery requirements. These services include an Email Relay API, Transactional email services, SMTP for developers, SMTP for marketers, and Managed delivery services. Each service is designed to cater to specific needs and provide a reliable and efficient email delivery solution.

In addition to the services, offers a range of resources for users to access, including API Documentation, a Resource Center, Integrations, and an Email Deliverability Blog. These resources provide valuable information and insights on how to effectively use the services and improve email deliverability.

For those interested in pricing details, has a dedicated pricing page where users can find information on the different plans available for purchase. They also offer a free quote for customized plans tailored to specific requirements. Startups and students can benefit from SMTP for startups, which offers specialized solutions to meet their unique needs. provides comprehensive information about their company, including an About Us page that highlights their mission and values. They also have a dedicated page explaining why businesses should choose for their email delivery needs. Users can easily contact the team through their contact page for any inquiries or support requests. Additionally, their resource center offers a wealth of information on various email deliverability topics, including blog articles, to help users stay updated and informed.

In terms of legal policies, has a Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Partner Program Policy, and Anti-Spam Policy. These policies ensure that user data is protected, and email practices adhere to industry standards and regulations. Additionally, provides a Cookie Policy to inform users about the use of cookies on their website. is a trademark or registered trademark of Ziff Davis, a company that specializes in global online publishing. The company is based in Ottawa, Canada, and takes pride in delivering high-quality email delivery solutions for businesses worldwide.

In conclusion, is a reputable email delivery and email relay solution that offers a range of services, including an SMTP Email API, to help businesses send and track high volume emails. They provide comprehensive documentation, various authentication methods, and resources to support integration and enhance email deliverability. With their premium services and commitment to customer satisfaction, is a reliable choice for businesses in need of efficient email delivery solutions.

Tina’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

SendPost is an email API and SMTP relay service that provides developers, businesses, and ESPs with the tools they need to deliver, measure, and optimize emails. With a focus on ensuring emails reach customers’ inboxes on time, every time, SendPost aims to solve the challenges that come with managing large-scale email sending.

For smaller senders, many email API solutions work well. Choosing one usually comes down to factors like price, features, or support. However, when sending millions of emails per month, managing multiple sending domains, IP pools, and IP/Domain reputation becomes a significant challenge. Even a minor dip in email open rate or deliverability can have a significant impact on revenue at that scale.

SendPost aims to address these challenges by providing a solution that helps users understand and fix issues with email deliverability quickly. Instead of spending hours manually checking if domains or IPs are blacklisted or if sending reputation is low, SendPost automatically retrieves and displays IP reputation and blacklisting details. Users also receive alerts in advance when deliverability is expected to decrease, allowing them to take preventative action.

The platform offers a reliable partnership and a user-friendly experience. With a simple and powerful email sending and validation API, users can easily measure detailed deliverability stats, identify common SMTP errors, and search through event logs. The API supports integration in multiple programming languages, making it accessible to developers.

SendPost also provides features for managing IP reputation and blacklisting, dedicated and shared IPs, rate limiting, throttling, and backoff strategies. Users can set up smart alerts and notifications to track key metrics and receive automated notifications when issues arise. The platform offers detailed analytics, including sub-account and IP-level stats, as well as event logging for debugging deliverability issues. Additionally, webhooks allow users to integrate email event data with their own applications.

The platform has gained the trust of developers, businesses, and ESPs, with over 413+ million emails sent per month. SendPost’s average deliverability rate is 99.23%, and the support team is available 24/7.

Overall, SendPost aims to be a comprehensive and forward-thinking email API service. It offers a range of features and tools to help users reliably send, track, measure, and optimize their email campaigns. Whether users are small senders or large-scale email senders, SendPost aims to provide the tools and support necessary for successful email delivery.

Steve’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

In a recent Stack Overflow post, a user asks about the difference between using the SMTP host “” and “” for sending emails. They also inquire about which configuration is faster and reduces spam mail.

The user provides two configurations they are currently using. The first configuration uses Gmail’s SMTP host, “,” with the port set to 465, and credentials from a Gmail account. The second configuration uses their hosting provider’s SMTP host, “,” with the port set to 587, and credentials from an email address associated with their domain.

Another user in the comments section suggests using a reputable email service provider like Mailchimp for sending bulk emails and recommends having recipients subscribe to receive emails to avoid being marked as spam.

When it comes to reducing spam mail, the second user explains that there are various factors at play, such as the content of the email, the sender’s reputation, and the email service provider’s spam detection mechanisms. They mention that it is challenging to control whether emails will be marked as spam by the recipients’ email providers.

To answer the user’s question about which configuration is better, another user recommends using Google’s SMTP host, “,” based on their personal experience and reliability. They mention that the reputation and trustworthiness of the email address and the email content are essential factors in ensuring that emails are delivered to the recipients’ inbox instead of being marked as spam.

In a separate answer, a user advises against using a personal email provider system for bulk mailing and suggests using dedicated email providers like SendGrid or MailGun. They explain that personal email systems are not designed for mass mailings and recommend using the PHP libraries provided by these dedicated email providers instead.

The user then discusses the differences between using personal mail providers and dedicated email provider systems like Gmail. They highlight the security measures and benefits of using Google’s SMTP servers, such as SSL/TLS encryption, unlimited usage, multiple servers, and two-factor authentication. They also mention the speed advantages of Google’s servers in handling high loads and the unlikelihood of being affected by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.

In conclusion, while the choice between using “” and “” for sending emails depends on the specific requirements and limitations of the hosting provider, several users recommend using a dedicated email service provider like Mailchimp, SendGrid, or MailGun for sending bulk emails. They also emphasize the importance of the email content, reputation of the sender, and security measures in reducing the likelihood of emails being marked as spam.

Rick’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost vs SendPost: A Comparison of the Best SMTP Service Providers with High Email Deliverability

Are you looking for an SMTP service provider that can reliably send emails from your website to your users? Look no further! In this blog post, we will compare two popular SMTP service providers, and SendPost, and help you choose the best one for your needs.

SMTP servers are specially configured to ensure that your outgoing emails reach users’ inboxes and don’t end up in the junk mail folder. By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail() function to send emails, but this method is often unreliable and can lead to emails being marked as spam or not delivered at all. is a leading SMTP service provider used by over 100,000 businesses worldwide. They offer a robust API to send transactional emails, seamless integration with WordPress using the WP Mail SMTP plugin, and excellent email deliverability. provides detailed email reports and domain reputation management features to ensure that your emails always land in the user’s inbox.

On the other hand, SendPost is a reliable email delivery platform trusted by customers in over 150+ countries. It works seamlessly with the WP Mail SMTP plugin and other platforms like WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento, Drupal, and HelpScout. SendPost offers detailed email logs, spam filter protection, built-in email list management, and world-class customer support.

When comparing and SendPost, both providers offer high email deliverability and a generous free plan. However, offers more competitive pricing, starting at $25 per month, while SendPost’s pricing starts at $29 per month. also offers a 30-day free trial, allowing you to send 50,000 emails.

In terms of scalability, both providers can handle large email volumes. offers higher scalability, and their plans include advanced features like suppression management, event-based webhooks, and unlimited mailing lists. SendPost also provides powerful personalization and marketing automation features, making it suitable for marketing campaigns.

Overall, the best SMTP service provider for small businesses is SendPost, while is our top recommendation for scaling businesses and large enterprises. If you have a technical team in-house, Amazon SES might be the most cost-efficient option, starting at $0.10 per 1000 emails.

To integrate your chosen SMTP service provider with WordPress, you can use the WP Mail SMTP plugin. This plugin allows you to easily send WordPress emails using any SMTP service provider. It offers a free version and a paid version with additional features like email controls and white-glove setup.

To set up WP Mail SMTP, install and activate the plugin, enter your license key, and configure your mailing service. The plugin supports popular SMTP providers like, Mailgun, SendGrid, Amazon SES, Gmail, Outlook, and Google. You can also enter the SMTP host, encryption, port, authentication, username, and password manually if your provider is not listed.

Once configured, WP Mail SMTP replaces the default WordPress mail function with your SMTP service, ensuring that your emails are properly delivered. You can send a test email to verify that everything is working fine. WP Mail SMTP also provides email logs and additional features to improve email deliverability.

In conclusion, choosing the right SMTP service provider is essential for reliable email delivery from your WordPress website. We recommend considering factors like email deliverability, scalability, pricing, and features when making your decision. With the use of the WP Mail SMTP plugin, you can easily integrate your chosen provider with WordPress and ensure that your emails reach users’ inboxes.

Beth’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

In this blog post, we will be discussing the best SMTP email services for email marketing. SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is the industry standard for sending electronic messages or emails. If your website doesn’t use this protocol, your email messages are more likely to be undelivered or marked as spam. SMTP email services help you send emails to your users and customers from your website safely and without fail. We will be exploring eight of the best SMTP services for reliable email marketing.

  1. SendLayer: SendLayer is a reliable SMTP email service that sends emails quickly and dependably. It works with over 1,000 platforms like WordPress, WooCommerce, and Magento. It provides comprehensive email logs and analytics for tracking opens, click-throughs, and unsubscribes.

  2. is trusted by over 100,000 businesses, including companies like Best Buy and T-Mobile. It offers fast delivery and ensures that your transactional emails reach your users’ inboxes without fail. offers a Reputation Defender addon for monitoring email list health and protecting emails from being blacklisted.

  3. Brevo: Formerly known as Sendinblue, Brevo is an all-in-one SMTP service and email marketing platform. It offers SMTP email services for both user-triggered transactional emails and bulk email campaigns. Additionally, Brevo provides a powerful SMS marketing and live chat solution for your business.

  4. Mailjet: Mailjet is a popular SMTP provider that offers an easy-to-use email builder for creating attractive emails. It provides a free SMTP server with robust delivery infrastructure and integrates easily with WordPress. Mailjet also offers TLS or SSL encryption to secure your emails.

  5. Mailgun: Mailgun is a powerful SMTP provider designed for developers. It allows you to send millions of transactional and bulk emails with higher delivery rates. Mailgun integrates easily with WordPress through plugins like WP Mail SMTP.

  6. SendGrid: SendGrid is a popular email delivery platform that allows you to send various types of emails with confidence, including newsletters, promotions, and shipping notifications. It offers easy integration with its email API and provides additional features like domain authentication and dedicated IP addresses.

  7. Amazon SES: Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a highly scalable cloud-based email sending service. It includes features like content filtering, dedicated IP addresses, and a reputation dashboard to improve your sender reputation. Amazon SES ensures that your emails don’t end up in the spam folder.

  8. Google Workspace: Formerly known as G Suite, Google Workspace offers professional email services using Google’s SMTP servers. It integrates easily with WordPress using the WP Mail SMTP plugin and provides secure communication through SSL encryption. However, it has limits on the number of emails you can send per day, making it more suitable for small businesses.

The blog post also mentions how to connect SMTP services to your WordPress site using the WP Mail SMTP plugin, which offers easy setup options for various SMTP relay services.

In conclusion, using an SMTP email service is essential for ensuring the proper delivery of emails from your website. The recommended SMTP services mentioned in this blog post offer reliable and efficient solutions for email marketing.

Jim’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

In this blog post, the author discusses the best SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) services for reliable email marketing. They start by explaining what SMTP is and why it is important for WordPress sites to have a proper SMTP service. They then list and review 13 popular SMTP services, including, WP Mail SMTP, Constant Contact, Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), HubSpot, Mailgun, SendGrid, Amazon SES, Postmark, Mandrill, Mailjet, G Suite, and Moosend. For each service, the author provides a brief description, pros and cons, and pricing information. Additionally, the author offers their recommendations for the best SMTP services based on website size. They also provide links to related articles and resources for email marketing and lead generation. The blog post concludes by highlighting the importance of email deliverability, scalability, and budget when choosing an SMTP service, and encourages readers to check out OptinMonster for lead generation and conversion optimization.

Dan’s Review of Smtp.Com Vs Sendpost

SMTP vs API: Understanding the Differences and When to Use Each

When it comes to email, there are two terms that often get confused: SMTP and API. Understanding the differences between these two terms and knowing when to use each can greatly improve your email development and deployment process. In this article, we will explain what SMTP and API are, how they are used, and the pros and cons of each.

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the method of sending emails across the internet. It is the standard protocol for sending and receiving email messages. An SMTP server allows you to transfer mail through a server and across a network to its destination. SMTP is used specifically for email transfer and is not used for other applications.

On the other hand, API, or Application Programming Interface, is a software that enables multiple applications and systems to communicate. It is used for more than just email and is not specific to email transfer. API is used to automate tasks and enable communication between different applications. In the context of email, an email API allows applications to automatically send transactional emails without having to send each one individually.

Both SMTP and API have their own advantages and disadvantages. SMTP is easy to set up and is recommended for migration between platforms. However, it can be slower for large volumes of email and can have changing deliverability due to shared IP addresses. On the other hand, API is faster and more flexible than SMTP. It reduces complexity in your app, removes load from your servers, and provides analytics on email sending. However, API has a steep learning curve and may require coding knowledge for troubleshooting.

So when should you use SMTP and when should you use API? SMTP is recommended when email sending is not integrated into your applications and when you have an older system or sending method that uses SMTP. API is recommended in most cases where you can build it into your applications, as it allows for faster and more flexible email sending.

In conclusion, SMTP and API are both important for email development and deployment. SMTP is specifically used for email transfer, while API is a more general software for communication between applications. Understanding the differences between SMTP and API and knowing when to use each can greatly improve your email campaigns and automation.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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