Sendpost Vs Postmastery

Email Marketing Platforms

Sendpost Vs Postmastery

Nick’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

In this blog post, we will be discussing the features and benefits of two email delivery platforms: SendPost and Postmastery. We will explore how these platforms can help improve email deliverability and provide a 360-degree view of email performance.

Email deliverability is a critical factor for businesses that rely on email marketing to communicate with their customers. It is essential to ensure that emails are reaching the inbox and not being marked as spam. This is where platforms like SendPost and Postmastery come in.

SendPost is an email delivery software that is designed for professional senders. It offers a range of features that can help improve email deliverability. One of the main benefits of SendPost is its ability to deliver high volumes of emails efficiently. It can handle large email campaigns without compromising on deliverability.

Postmastery, on the other hand, is a comprehensive email analytics console that provides a 360-degree view of email deliverability. It offers a range of modules that can provide valuable insights into email performance. For example, the Delivery Analytics module allows users to analyze event-level data in real-time, while the Reputation Monitor module helps improve deliverability by monitoring IP reputation.

Both platforms offer unique features that can help businesses optimize their email delivery. However, it is important to note that SendPost is a standalone email delivery software, while Postmastery is a complete email analytics console. This means that Postmastery offers a more comprehensive solution for businesses looking to improve their email deliverability.

One of the standout features of Postmastery is its Email Auditor module. This module allows users to identify issues with their emails and provides recommendations to improve deliverability. It helps businesses identify and fix any issues that may be affecting their email deliverability, such as incorrect formatting or spam triggers.

Additionally, Postmastery also offers DMARC Reports, which help protect domains from spoofing and phishing attacks. This module provides valuable insights into the DMARC compliance of a domain and helps businesses take proactive steps to prevent unauthorized use of their domain.

Overall, both SendPost and Postmastery offer valuable features for businesses looking to improve their email deliverability. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and goals of the business. SendPost is a reliable email delivery software that can handle high volumes of emails, while Postmastery offers a comprehensive email analytics console with a range of modules to improve deliverability.

In conclusion, email deliverability is a crucial factor for businesses relying on email marketing. Platforms like SendPost and Postmastery provide valuable features and insights to help improve deliverability. Whether you choose SendPost for its robust email delivery software or Postmastery for its comprehensive analytics console, both platforms can help businesses optimize their email performance and ensure their messages reach the inbox.

Tina’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

Postmastery is a company that offers various products and services related to email analytics and delivery. One of their main offerings is the optimization and management of Postfix instances, which is an open-source email message transfer agent (MTA). Postmastery helps senders of all sizes improve their deliverability by ensuring that their Postfix instances are finely tuned and integrated with real-time log analysis. They offer a range of services such as deployment, migration, assessment, and management of Postfix MTAs. Postmastery also provides tools and resources to help senders optimize their delivery by adopting best practices, exploring logs for analysis and troubleshooting, and optimizing their reputation according to industry standards. Their services are targeted towards email service providers, brands, and web agencies who want to improve their email deliverability and manage their sending volume effectively. By partnering with Postmastery, senders can receive professional deliverability services and support for their Postfix instances at an affordable price. Overall, Postmastery aims to empower email senders to achieve more by providing them with the necessary tools, expertise, and guidance to improve their email delivery.

Steve’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

SendPost vs Postmastery

When it comes to managing email communication, it is crucial to have a reliable and efficient system in place. Two popular options available in the market are SendPost and Postmastery. In this blog post, we will compare these two systems and discuss their features and functionalities.

SendPost is a program that plays various roles in the proper flow of electronic mail. It listens to the network for incoming mail, transports mail messages to other machines, and hands local mail to a local program for local delivery. It can also append mail to files and pipe mail through other programs. SendPost can queue mail for later delivery and understands the aliasing of one recipient name to another.

Postmastery, on the other hand, is a comprehensive email delivery platform that offers a wide range of features. It provides advanced email routing and delivery capabilities, ensuring that your email reaches its intended recipients efficiently. Postmastery also offers detailed reporting and analytics, allowing you to monitor and optimize your email performance.

One of the primary roles of both SendPost and Postmastery is to handle mail queues. When a mail message is temporarily undeliverable, both systems store it in a queue directory until it can be delivered successfully. SendPost uses the QueueDirectory option in its configuration file to specify the location of the queue directory. Similarly, Postmastery has built-in queue management functionality, ensuring that all queued messages are processed and delivered in a timely manner.

When it comes to local delivery, both SendPost and Postmastery have their own mechanisms. SendPost uses delivery agents to deliver mail to local users. The Mlocal configuration line in SendPost’s configuration file specifies how mail is appended to a user’s mailbox file. Postmastery, on the other hand, uses its advanced routing capabilities to ensure that mail is delivered correctly to local users.

Another important aspect of email communication is the management of aliases. Aliasing is the process of converting one recipient name into another. SendPost uses an aliases file to define aliases and their corresponding substitutions. The aliases file can be used to convert generic names into real usernames or to create mailing lists. Postmastery provides similar functionality, allowing you to manage aliases and define custom routing rules for specific recipients or groups.

In terms of network transport, SendPost has built-in support for TCP/IP-based networks. It uses the SMTP protocol to transport mail messages to other machines. Postmastery, on the other hand, supports multiple network protocols and can transport email over various types of networks, including TCP/IP, UUCP, and others. This flexibility allows Postmastery to handle diverse email delivery requirements.

When it comes to scalability and performance, both SendPost and Postmastery have proven track records. They can handle large volumes of email traffic efficiently, ensuring that your messages are delivered promptly. SendPost has been a trusted email delivery solution for many years, while Postmastery offers a modern and robust platform that leverages the latest technologies.

In conclusion, both SendPost and Postmastery are reliable and efficient email delivery solutions. They offer a range of features and functionalities that can help you manage your email communication effectively. Whether you choose SendPost or Postmastery, you can be confident that your email will be handled with care and delivered to its intended recipients.

Rick’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

Postmastery Tools is a powerful tool that can help you track data on large volumes of emails sent and find important information about your sending domain. With various dashboards, you can gain insights into Gmail delivery errors, spam reports, feedback loops, and more. To get started with Postmastery Tools, you’ll need a Google Account. If you don’t have one, you can easily create it.

Adding your domain to Postmastery Tools is the first step. Sign in to Postmastery Tools and click on “Add” in the bottom right corner. Enter your authentication domain, which can be either the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) or the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) domain. Once you’ve entered your domain, click “Next”. You can choose to verify your domain by clicking “Verify” or skip the verification process for now by clicking “Not now”. Keep in mind that you’ll need to verify your domain at some point to view any data related to it.

Once you have a verified domain, you can manage your data access and share your Postmastery Tools data with others who have a Google Account. You can also add and remove owners from your domain. To add someone to your domain, go to Postmastery Tools, point to the verified domain you want to add someone to, and click on “Manage users”. Then, click the “Add” button and enter the Google Account email address of the person you want to give access to.

Interpreting the numbers on the dashboard is crucial for understanding the best way to send your emails. The dashboards provide information on various aspects such as spam rate, IP reputation, domain reputation, feedback loop, authentication, encryption, and delivery errors.

The spam rate indicates the percentage of emails marked as spam by users compared to the emails sent to active users’ inboxes. It’s essential to monitor the spam rate to ensure that your emails are not being marked as spam.

The IP reputation dashboard gives you insights into the reputation of your IP address. A higher IP reputation means emails sent from your IP are more likely to be delivered to the recipient’s inbox instead of their spam folder. To maintain a good IP reputation, it’s important to regularly check your sending list and only send emails to users who want to receive them.

The domain reputation dashboard shows the reputation of your sending domain. A higher domain reputation means emails from your domain are less likely to be filtered to the recipient’s spam folder or inbox. Maintaining a good domain reputation involves sending good mail and complying with Gmail’s sender guidelines.

The feedback loop dashboard is available after you set up the Gmail Spam Feedback Loop (FBL). It provides information on flagged identifiers and their corresponding spam rates. This data can help you identify any issues and make necessary improvements to your email campaigns.

The authentication dashboard shows the percentage of your emails that passed SPF, DKIM, and DMARC over all received traffic that attempted authentication. This information is important for ensuring the security and legitimacy of your emails.

The encryption dashboard shows the percentage of your inbound and outbound traffic that is encrypted. Encryption is essential for protecting the confidentiality of your emails and preventing unauthorized access.

The delivery errors graph monitors the percentage of your total emails that were rejected or temporarily failed compared to all authenticated traffic. It also provides a list of reasons for email failures, such as rate limits, suspected spam, unsupported attachments, DMARC policies, low IP or domain reputation, and missing PTR records.

Overall, Postmastery Tools is a valuable tool for anyone sending large volumes of emails. It provides insights into various aspects of email delivery and allows you to make data-driven decisions to improve your email campaigns. By effectively managing your sending domain and monitoring important metrics, you can optimize your email deliverability and ensure your messages reach their intended recipients’ inboxes.

Beth’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

Post SMTP Mailer is a powerful plugin for WordPress that helps improve the deliverability of emails sent from your website. With over 300,000 customers trusting Post SMTP, this plugin ensures that your emails get delivered and don’t end up in the spam filter or undelivered email queue.

One of the main features of Post SMTP is its intelligent setup wizard, which guides you through each step of the configuration process. The wizard helps you set up your SMTP server, detects firewall blocks, and eliminates configuration mistakes. This ensures that your emails are delivered successfully.

Post SMTP replaces the default WordPress SMTP library with the heavy-duty Zend_Mail, which means you’ll never lose an email to PHP mail() again. It also supports authentication methods such as Plain/Login/CRAM-MD5/XOAUTH2, ensuring the security of your emails.

Even if your hosting provider blocks standard SMTP ports, Post SMTP can still deliver your emails via HTTPS. This ensures that your emails are sent successfully even in situations where standard SMTP is blocked.

In addition to its powerful features, Post SMTP also offers a range of integrations with popular plugins such as Contact Form 7, WooCommerce, Gravity Forms, and many more. This ensures smooth compatibility and seamless email delivery for your website.

Post SMTP also provides a built-in email log, which is an invaluable resource for diagnosing problems with your emails. The log allows you to view the exact cause of failed emails and resend them if necessary. This helps improve the deliverability of your emails and ensures that important communications reach your recipients.

The plugin also offers support for OAuth 2.0, which increases the security and protection of your email password by discouraging the practice of storing your email password in the WordPress database. This adds an extra layer of security to your email communications.

Post SMTP is compatible with the latest versions of WordPress and PHP, ensuring a seamless experience for users. The plugin is actively maintained and regularly updated, ensuring that you have access to the latest features and security improvements.

In summary, Post SMTP Mailer is a reliable and easy-to-use plugin that enhances the email deliverability process of your WordPress website. With its intelligent setup wizard, powerful features, and wide range of integrations, Post SMTP ensures that your emails are delivered successfully and reach your recipients’ inboxes.

Jim’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

In February 2024, Gmail will introduce new email sender guidelines for senders who send 5,000 or more messages per day to Gmail accounts. These guidelines aim to ensure that email senders authenticate outgoing emails, avoid sending unwanted or unsolicited emails, and make it easy for recipients to unsubscribe. The guidelines apply to personal Gmail accounts and Google Workspace accounts.

For all senders, it is important to set up SPF or DKIM email authentication for your domain, ensure that sending domains or IPs have valid forward and reverse DNS records, keep spam rates reported in Postmaster Tools below 0.3%, format messages according to the Internet Message Format standard (RFC 5322), and avoid impersonating Gmail From: headers. If you regularly forward email, including using mailing lists or inbound gateways, you should also add ARC headers to outgoing email.

For senders who send 5,000 or more messages per day, additional requirements include setting up DMARC email authentication, aligning the domain in the sender’s From: header with SPF or DKIM domains, and ensuring that marketing messages and subscribed messages support one-click unsubscribe.

It is recommended to set up email authentication methods such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your domain. Authenticated messages help protect recipients from malicious messages, protect you and your organization from being impersonated, and are less likely to be rejected or marked as spam by Gmail.

Infrastructure configuration is also important, such as ensuring that sending IP addresses have PTR records and verifying the reputation of shared IP addresses.

When sending emails, it is recommended to follow best practices such as authenticating email with SPF and DKIM, sending messages from the same IP address or using different IP addresses for different types of messages, and ensuring that messages of the same category have the same From: email address. It is also important to avoid mixing different types of content in the same message, not impersonating other domains or senders, not marking internal messages as spam, not purchasing email addresses, and not sending messages to people who didn’t sign up to receive them.

To troubleshoot any email delivery issues, you can use Postmaster Tools to get information about the emails you send to Gmail users, monitor spam rates and domain reputation, and check for any warning banners or delivery issues.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can ensure that your emails are delivered as expected and minimize the chance of them being marked as spam or blocked by Gmail.

Dan’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery

In this Wolfram Community post, Christopher Haydock discusses the different options for sending emails. He states that if a business only needs to send a small number of emails back and forth with customers, then using the SendMail function in the Wolfram Language is a good solution. However, if the business sends a high volume of transactional and marketing emails, an email delivery service may be a better option. Haydock suggests using the Mailgun API for an email delivery service, as it is easy to use and offers a good delivery success rate. He provides code examples for using the Mailgun API with the Wolfram Language to send test emails, including HTML versions, attachments, and inline images. Haydock also emphasizes the importance of setting up your own email domain for sending emails and shares tips for enhancing email delivery. The post concludes by inviting others to share their experiences with both SendMail and external email delivery services.

Jennifer’s Review of Sendpost Vs Postmastery


This Stack Exchange post on Server Fault is asking for help on how to receive email sent to the postmaster. The user explains that they have a VPS server and need to get an SSL certificate, but the certificate authority requires an email address to verify ownership of the domain. The user lists several options for email addresses and mentions that their server runs CentOS 5 with only sendmail set up for email. They are unsure of how to receive email on their server and if they need to open any ports.

The user receives a helpful answer suggesting to check the /etc/aliases file and add an alias to route the postmaster email to their desired email address. The user thanks the person for the suggestion but mentions that they haven’t received any emails and suspects that their VPS provider may be blocking port 25, which is needed for email.

Overall, the user is seeking guidance on how to set up their server to receive email sent to the postmaster, specifically in the context of using CentOS 5 and sendmail.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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