Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Email Marketing Platforms

Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Nick’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

GreenArrow Engine is a transactional email software that provides a smooth email delivery service. It allows users to opt for a reliable and efficient email delivery system. With GreenArrow Engine, businesses can ensure that their emails are delivered on time and reach the right recipients.

GreenArrow Engine provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to easily manage their email delivery processes. It offers features like personalization, segmentation, and A/B testing to help businesses send targeted and effective emails. The software integrates with SMTP and HTTP API to make it easy for users to send emails in bulk. It also provides customization options like SPF, DMARC, and DKIM to ensure the security and protection of emails from bad actors.

Other features of GreenArrow Engine include automatic parsing of incoming emails, real-time validation of email addresses, and collaboration tools for different teams. The software seamlessly integrates with other platforms like Omnisend, infobip, and to enhance marketing campaigns, segment customer data, and improve overall engagement levels.

When compared to its competitors, GreenArrow Engine stands out with

Tina’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

GreenArrow Engine is a cloud-based email delivery service that allows users to send permission-based emails quickly and easily. It offers features such as email suppression, custom spam filter, email tagging, and real-time reporting. The software aims to optimize email deliverability and provide high-speed, high-volume email sending. GreenArrow Engine offers both on-cloud and on-premises solutions, allowing users to manage their email delivery service and email marketing software without complications. The software also provides tech support to address any issues promptly. Pricing for GreenArrow Engine starts at $250 per month for 300k emails and goes up to $1000 per month for 4M emails. The software also offers additional features and customization options for higher volume senders. GreenArrow Engine has received mixed reviews, with ratings ranging from excellent to poor. Alternatives to GreenArrow Engine include Mailgun, SendGrid, Postmark, and SMTP2GO. The software provides API integration options and has been used by customers such as iPhone Life, Six Flags, and Elite Email.

Steve’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

In this blog post, the author discusses different transactional email services and compares their pros and cons. The author starts by explaining what a transactional email is and how it differs from marketing emails. They then go on to review several popular transactional email service providers, including Sendinblue, Amazon SES, SendGrid, Mailjet, Mailgun, Mandrill, and Postmark. Each service provider is rated based on their strengths and weaknesses, user interface, pricing, and customer reviews. The author also provides a comparison of the prices for sending different quantities of emails with each provider. The blog post concludes by stating that there is no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to choosing a transactional email service and that the best choice depends on individual needs and budget. The author invites readers to share their experiences with different transactional email services.

Rick’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Postmark and GreenArrow Engine are two email delivery software options that businesses can consider. Both have their own unique features and benefits that can help improve email deliverability and customer engagement.

Postmark is an email delivery service that focuses on providing high deliverability rates and reliable sending infrastructure. With Postmark, businesses can ensure that their emails reach the inbox and avoid being marked as spam. The service offers features such as bounce and spam reporting, DKIM and SPF authentication, and real-time analytics to track email delivery and engagement. Postmark also provides dedicated IP addresses to clients, which can further improve deliverability rates.

GreenArrow Engine, on the other hand, offers a flexible and secure SMTP and API email delivery solution. It is designed for businesses that require more control over their email sending process. GreenArrow Engine allows businesses to customize their email delivery settings, including IP addresses, delivery rules, and bounce handling. The software also provides robust reporting and analytics to track email performance and engagement.

Both Postmark and GreenArrow Engine offer comprehensive documentation and support to help businesses integrate and optimize their email delivery. They also provide detailed email logs and reporting, allowing businesses to troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may arise.

When comparing the two, businesses should consider their specific needs and priorities. Postmark may be more suitable for businesses that require a simple and reliable email delivery solution with high deliverability rates. On the other hand, GreenArrow Engine may be a better option for businesses that require more control and customization over their email delivery process.

While both options have their strengths, it is recommended that businesses thoroughly evaluate their requirements and conduct testing to determine which software will best meet their needs. Email deliverability is a critical aspect of any business’s email marketing strategy, and choosing the right email delivery software is crucial for success.

In conclusion, Postmark and GreenArrow Engine are two viable options for businesses seeking reliable and effective email delivery services. While Postmark focuses on high deliverability rates and a user-friendly interface, GreenArrow Engine offers more flexibility and control over the email delivery process. By carefully considering their unique needs and priorities, businesses can choose the option that best suits their requirements and helps them achieve their email marketing goals.

Beth’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Postmark, an email delivery service, has recently introduced a new feature called the Retention Add-on. This add-on aims to help users ensure that their emails are delivered successfully and reach the intended recipients.

The Retention Add-on addresses the issue of email forwarding and its impact on email authentication. When an email is forwarded, the sender and header information may not get updated accordingly, resulting in authentication failures. In particular, two authentication methods, DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework), are affected by forwarding.

DKIM verifies the integrity of the message itself, ensuring that it hasn’t been altered during transit. While DKIM can withstand forwarding as long as certain mail headers and content are preserved, it becomes invalid if these elements are altered. On the other hand, SPF verifies the sending IPs and domains of the mail server, making it more susceptible to breaking as different mail servers process the message during forwarding. The forwarder may modify the Return-Path domain, causing SPF to become unaligned.

To address this issue, Postmark recommends having both DKIM and SPF set up, as DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) only requires either DKIM or SPF to pass, not both. By having both authentication methods in place, if one breaks due to forwarding, the email can still pass DMARC. This is important for senders aiming to eventually move to a “reject” policy with DMARC, which ensures that only authorized mail is delivered.

Some email providers, such as Gmail and Outlook, are able to identify forwarded emails and can perform a “policy override” even if DMARC fails. This means that even if DMARC alignment is not achieved due to forwarding, the receiver can still deliver the email if it can validate that the message is genuine. The policy override is possible due to the use of another authentication standard called ARC (Authenticated Received Chain), which adds authentication results to the message headers when an email is forwarded.

While there isn’t a foolproof way to prevent alignment issues caused by forwarding, having a thorough understanding of the forwarding process and its impact on email authentication can help senders take necessary steps to minimize these issues. By implementing DKIM and SPF, senders can increase the chances of their emails passing authentication and reaching the intended recipients. Additionally, maintaining accurate records of all sending sources and ensuring they are fully authenticated before implementing a “reject” or “quarantine” DMARC policy can help avoid the potential blocking of legitimate mail.

Postmark’s Retention Add-on aims to assist users in identifying and addressing email authentication issues that may arise from forwarding, ultimately enhancing email deliverability and ensuring that important messages reach their intended destinations. This feature is particularly useful for senders who rely on email communication for important business transactions or customer interactions. With the Retention Add-on, users can mitigate the risks associated with forwarding, maintain DMARC compliance, and improve their overall email delivery performance.

Jim’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Postmark is a transactional email delivery service that focuses on ensuring your emails reach your customers’ inboxes. With a rating of 4.7 out of 5 based on 1,062 ratings, Postmark is a trusted and reliable option for sending transactional emails. They prioritize delivering your emails on time and have been trusted by thousands of developers.

Postmark offers 30 case studies that showcase their success in delivering transactional emails. These case studies highlight the effectiveness of their service and provide insights into how Postmark has helped businesses improve their email delivery rates.

While Postmark is a great option for transactional email delivery, there are also other service providers to consider. One such provider is GreenArrow, which offers similar features and benefits. GreenArrow is also rated highly, with a rating of 4.8 out of 5 based on 58 ratings. GreenArrow focuses on giving senders more control over their technology and providing clearer visibility into results. They strive to offer a personalized experience for their customers.

To make an informed decision about which transactional email delivery service to choose, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements. Postmark and GreenArrow are just two of the options available, and there are many other providers with their own unique features and benefits.

At, you can find over 553 validated case studies, success stories, and customer stories that can help you make better software purchasing decisions. The platform provides a comprehensive database of case studies across various software categories. Whether you’re looking for transactional email software or any other type of business software, can provide valuable information to guide your decision-making process.

In conclusion, when it comes to transactional email delivery, Postmark and GreenArrow are both excellent options to consider. With their high ratings and case studies demonstrating their success, these providers have proven their ability to deliver emails reliably and effectively. However, it’s important to assess your specific needs and explore all available options before making a final decision. You can find more information and explore other case studies on to make an informed choice for your business.

Dan’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

Email marketing is still a powerful tool for B2B marketers, with statistics showing that it is the 3rd most influential source of information for B2B audiences. It also offers a high return on investment, with every $1 spent on email marketing showing a return of $44. With these benefits in mind, it is clear that companies should not overlook the importance of email and email delivery tools in their overall marketing strategy.

There are numerous email delivery tools available on the market, each with its own features and benefits. Linkody’s blog post breaks down 33 of the top marketing email delivery tools to help companies decide which tool is the best fit for their specific needs and goals.

Some of the top email delivery tools listed include:

  • Mailigen: This tool is known for its easy-to-use features and automation capabilities that allow users to create and send personalized and triggered email marketing campaigns.

  • Campaign Monitor: Campaign Monitor offers a pack of marketing email delivery tools in one place. Its drag-and-drop email builder makes it easy for companies without email marketing experience to create professional campaigns.

  • MailChimp: One of the world’s largest marketing automation platforms, MailChimp helps businesses find their target audience, engage with customers through personalized emails, and build their brand.

  • HubSpot: HubSpot offers powerful email marketing features, such as automated workflows and A/B split testing, to help deliver targeted content to your audience based on their behaviors.

  • Litmus: Litmus allows teams to create great-looking emails for every device, ensuring that emails are optimized for different devices and platforms.

  • Postmark: This tool focuses on sending time-sensitive transactional emails. It offers detailed delivery, open, and link tracking, as well as inbound email processing.

  • Mailjet: Mailjet allows users to take control of their email strategy and send reliable and scalable emails with its SMTP and API features. It also provides real-time monitoring services for all email traffic.

  • SendGrid: SendGrid uses a cloud-based solution to send transactional and marketing emails, allowing companies to focus on their businesses instead of their email infrastructure.

  • Constant Contact: Constant Contact provides step-by-step processes to help users create professional emails quickly. It also offers email segmentation and automation features.

  • ConvertKit: ConvertKit specializes in email marketing for creators such as bloggers, authors, and designers. It provides easy switching from other email marketing providers.

  • Aweber: Aweber is an email delivery tool for small businesses looking to build their audience and grow their customer base. It offers automated email series and mobile-responsive templates.

  • GetResponse: GetResponse helps businesses optimize their email campaigns by sending emails at the most engaging times. It also offers autoresponder emails and personalized content.

  • ActiveCampaign: ActiveCampaign offers email segmentation, dynamic content, and split testing features. It also provides marketing automation for emails and sales.

These are just a few of the email delivery tools mentioned in the blog post. It is important for companies to consider their specific needs, the number of emails they will be sending, and their budget when choosing an email delivery tool. By taking these factors into account, companies can find the right tool to enhance their email marketing campaigns and improve their overall marketing strategy.

Jennifer’s Review of Postmark Vs Greenarrow

In the forum post, a user named Sandeep Saxena asks if anyone has integrated MailWizz with Postal. Postal automatically sets a return path address sub-domain and inserts it into the email headers. However, all bounces go to Postal and don’t appear in MailWizz. Sandeep Saxena wants to know if there is a way to handle this so that bounces are processed by MailWizz.

Another user named twisted1919 suggests that Postal can post the bounces to a webhook URL, and MailWizz provides such a URL. In response, Sandeep Saxena thanks twisted1919 and asks for the webhook URL for DRH’s GreenArrow Engine.

Twisted1919 provides the webhook URL for GreenArrow’s engine. They also mention that a header needs to be added for it in the delivery server settings. The header name is X-GreenArrow-Click-Tracking-ID, and the header value is [CAMPAIGN_UID]|[SUBSCRIBER_UID].

Sandeep Saxena expresses his gratitude for the information. Another user named frm.mwz mentions that the available URLs for MailWizz can be found in the file \apps\frontend\controllers\DswhController.php.

In a later post, Sandeep Saxena mentions that under a live campaign, Postal is sending all data over a webhook, but they don’t see bounce statistics in the campaign, and the bounced addresses are not getting unsubscribed. They ask how they can check if MailWizz is receiving all the event notifications. Twisted1919 replies that MailWizz processes only specific events like ‘MessageDeliveryFailed’, ‘MessageDelayed’, ‘MessageHeld’, and ‘MessageBounced’. They assure Sandeep Saxena that they can pass all events, as MailWizz filters them out anyway.

GregKevey asks for the webhook URL for PostMark to track complaints and bounces. However, no one provides an answer to this question.

Laurentiu mentions that bounce processing for PostMark is not currently available in MailWizz, but it is on their roadmap for the future.

Overall, the forum post discusses the integration of MailWizz with Postal and GreenArrow. Users seek solutions for handling bounces and want to know about available webhook URLs for different email delivery services.

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Through his pioneering work in email marketing, SMTP server management, and system administration, Dan Parker has left an enduring mark on the industry. His expertise has enabled countless businesses to achieve their email marketing goals, driving revenue and customer engagement. His dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements has made him a role model for aspiring professionals in these fields.

Today, Dan continues to consult with businesses, sharing his knowledge and helping them stay at the cutting edge of email marketing and system administration. His career is a testament to the power of dedication, innovation, and a passion for technology, and he remains an influential figure in the world of email marketing and IT infrastructure.

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